1. Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson) - Al Karim (The Generous)

1. Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson) -  Al Karim (The Generous) 

Okay so in thinking about my first blog post I thought the best place to start was right at the beginning.  All my life until 19 years of age I loved music.  From bollywood, bhangra, reggae, pop. Every penny I spent in my local Virgin shop.  I would go to the same isles including the World Music section where I found all kinds of treasures.  Later I became a devoted fan of Michael Jackson.  Then the music stopped.  Fast forward in thinking about my consciousness of the world I can pinpoint it to one song.  

Even to this day when I hear Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror it brings tears to my eyes (Ive never seen the music video - only audio).  From the twilight sound at the start to Michael’s own vocal style in “OH, OH, OH, OH” midway and choir.  It was all beautifully packaged so the words could pierce my heart and they did.  The words made me look at myself in relation to the world and its people.   Who do I choose to see and who do I choose to ignore?  Am I fully aware of everyone and everything in my day to day frame.  How do I relate to it and how is it relating to me. I personally feel its an act of generosity in considering how you relate to your world. 

Il mio tributo al grande king of the pop

From my source 42nd name of Allah -  Al Karim (the Generous) is an inexhaustible, bountiful energy that keeps on giving, like a flowing stream or water from a fathomless well.  Those who embody Al-Karim are generous with whatever they have, whether it actually reaches people or not, or whether others respond or not.  Do you have an experience of this that you can share?  Are you on the receiving end or do you feel you give on this level?  How could we create a song that helps us to be generous in our day to day lives.  Ive shown one example do you know of others?  For those of you who are creatives maybe we look at the “flowing stream” for musical/lyrical ideas you may want to send me. I also invite ideas around the twilight sound - listen to Michael's song. Hum along to the sparkle and then see if you can change it.  Record it on your phone and send to me. 

Id love to hear about your first memories of a song touching you so much that you can trace its impacts to this day.  Can you pinpoint what is it about the song and what effect it has on you?  Also let me know if your a MJ fan and your favourite song - sorry couldn't resist but to ask!