12. Guardian - Ar Raqib (The Watchful) Alanis Morissette (Canada)
“When we seek to become aware of awareness, it is like a piece of life turning back to its very SELF to say, “Thank you.” Alanis Morissette.
Today's blog is short and sweet.
Alanis in her quote above reminds me of the 43rd Name Ar Raqib (The Watchful). Ar-Raqib brings expanded awareness of the inner world, taking one beyond the physical into the metaphysical.
According to my source "Ar Raqib combines the qualities of protection and watchfulness. Its meaning of “watching over” integrates two concepts: to watch the stars until the dawn comes and to watch a baby while it is sleeping. Ar Raqib means to fully give loving attention, and at the same time to possess the inner quietude that makes real concentration possible. The best technique for learning to concentrate is to awaken loving interest for the object of concentration and to use this love as a focus for one-pointed attention. Concentration can best be held and grow within the context of caring for what we love."
Im a big fan of Alanis Morissette and watch with great interest her transition into sharing what she thinks are her gifts to the world. As well as giving advise via the Guardian newspaper she is also sharing her wisdom through pod casts and blogging none of which are music related. She talks about her souls journey and relationships. But most of all I love how she expresses her message through music. Musically this name makes me want to watch the stars with someone until the dawn comes or hear about someone who watched their baby while they were sleeping. What great ideas for inspiration for a song. I watch my son regularly and would love to share/pin point this feeling into something. Alanis’s song Guardian lead me to this name and its beautiful. Im linking to her website here because its awesome. You can see all her music and lyrics making it so accessible. Check it out and let me know your favourite songs. Check out Prayer Cycle this got me out the blue once when I had her music on, I just melted on the spot! Im sure I'm gonna have to come back to Alanis in future blogs. I fully acknowledge her as a SUFI in my world!
I dedicate this post and song to Chari Schwartz from Canada. Thank you for your unconditional love and for being my Guardian in this work. xxxx