45/46 Tina Turner - Al Mumin (The Granter of Security) & Al Qayyum (The Self Existing)
I am trying to inspire my son to learn meditation and wanted to show him other children doing meditation. I found this by Tina Turner ages ago and it really impressed me. In fact there is quite a bit of music she has done around meditation - its kind of opposite to her rock and roll days but so important to have an example of the two opposites and achieving balance.
March is always a month championing women with Mothers Day and International Women's Day. So I think its quite apt to focus on Tina today. I don't know much about Tina Turner other than seeing “Whats love got to do with it” when I was younger and that was the first time I learnt about how she got into Buddhism. To this day she has practised that and even to the point where she is sharing music inspired by her faith. Its not something I have heard of before or even find easy to listen to. But in doing so I can recognise two names - Al Mumin the 6th Name and the 63rd Name Al Qayyum. The first is because she demonstrates real faith after all these years it appears even committed and stronger than ever. The latter name because the chanting and focus reminds me of the one who remains through all the permutations of time and pace - the chants echo and remain when I focus on them. I can leave the room and come back and can still feel their vibration - she makes them even more powerful I feel. The sound of the chants, dominant, strong, firm, permanent, solid, never-ending.
This is what my source says about these names:
Al Mumin is the one who offers to us a real faith and trust that is free of all fear, craft and deceit. From its root we learn that Al mumin is a divine gift that allows us to feel safety, confidence and security in our harts. It allows human beings to have trust in God alone and not to be than in by secondary causes, or what appears on the surface to be the causes of conditions.
Al Qayyum is the only one who remains through all he permutations on time and pace. It is an existence beyond being or appearance, form, or continuance of form. It manifests in everything, down to the very heart of every being. It is eternal time and omnipresence. It is a continuous unending activity that bestows essence or Kun, to everything else. The very fact that anything exists, including the very existence of being itself, is because of the nature of Al Qayyum, which transcends the passage of time.