50. Moornie, Punjabi MC - Ya Muhaimin (UK/India)

50. Moornie, Punjabi MC - Ya Muhaimin (UK/India) 

After a very long time I stumbled across this Punjabi bhangra song.  It's the first song in years' that's had me dancing around my dining room.  It made me curious and I wondered if I could write about this song using the 99 Names.  To much to my delight the name below stood out.  For a long time as a woman I have felt vulnerable when it came to my feminity (mainly physical body).  Having been in a culture were women need to cover up and its a sin to beautify ourselves in public.  Yet all our Punjabi lyrics are always about how the lady is making herself beautiful either by wearing khajol or bangels etc.  For a while I lost the ability to appreciate these songs.  Id worry about (like in the video below) men stareing at me with a “dirty eye”.  Now that I'm older its still something that makes me conscious of how I dress and look as to not to attract unwanted attention.  The meaning of the name below brings me much comfort and understanding.  I wish I knew of this wisdom earlier, id worry less and enjoy life more.     

Buy the new single 'Moorni' from iTunes - http://bit.ly/dVAJQe Taken from the new Panjabi MC album - The RAJ http://www.panjabi-mc.com http://www.facebook.com/panjabimc1 http://twitter.com/panjabimc1

According to my source the 7th name Al-Muhaimin is the divine quality that preserves the essence of a thing from corruption through all the vicissitudes of time.  The eternal in the thing, the purity of what it is in reality, is protected from being harmed by any temporal cause.  In a more general sense, what is transient passes away and therefore nevertruly had existence.

There is a saying from the Quran and other spiritual texts which says "God is beautiful and he loves beauty".  I have loved this saying.  I love it even more now I am gaining a deeper understanding.  Love is beauty, anything that has love cannot be ugly.  If God is love then we see him in what we find beautiful.  So its only natural that humans will want to look and adore what they find beautiful.  Through this connection with beauty there is the opportunity presented to learn more deeply about what we are feeling and reaching for.  Maybe next time I find myself in these kinds of situations I maybe able to guide and teach.  Almost we remain childlike without such deeper understanding of life.  As Sadhguru says "be like a mother to the whole world".  Be inclusive, have the ability to respond which is different to feeling responsible, open yourself to choices rather than reactions.  Remain the deep, depths of the sea, calm, still, peaceful and not the crashing of the waves in rage and turmoil.   Ive been quick to judge the men that stare.  They dont even know themselves what they are doing?  Maybe next time I have an encounter I can let it just slide off me or try to remind the person its not me that that they are seeking but an understanding of their emotion.